

Many proponents of fake tags and other documentation are simply those whom lack their originals.

they are from people trying to fix thier BIG mistake..
buying a car missing one!

now they dumped a gob of loot into thier car
uh oh
my car isn't worth as much as i have into it.
how can i possibly fix this dilemma?...
any other arguement is just semantics..

if it was just a matter of replacing a missing part
then slap a blank tag on the inner fender
its just as fake as creating one and
it leaves no question as to what it is.
you will never see that being done..

Why do you assume folks pay big money. I understand the point of view, I still laugh at it. Primarily because the folks crying the most about repop tags seem to be over the top questioning motive and calling out folks. You seem to take it to a personal level adding insults and such, vice defending your point. The I am better than thou approach.

There also is a saying that those that cry fraud the most are usually the ones who commit it the most. Should I generalize about that??

By your logic the tag has no value, because even identical cars could have had different data on the tag (besides the VIN) because of human error. There for if a car has molding that wasn't listed on the data tag, or any other option the car must be fake,

Regardless, if you have the broadcast sheet, you have all the appropriate data and more. With it, an honest even if not original, data tag could be made. I would much rather have an original broadcast sheet and a repop fender tag vice an original fender tag and no broadcast sheet.

I would not pass up a highly optioned car with original parts just be cause the fender tag was missing. Especially if it had a broadcast sheet.