
Why is it a guess? Look at enough tags and matching broadcast sheets and you can pick out the pattern of what is on the tag, and what is not.

and no matter what paper you have,
no matter how many tags you stare at.
you still have to GUESS which exact numbers to put on the tag.
you have no idea exactly what was on the orig in the first place.
you might think you know
but there is no way to call it 100% for sure.
you have no clue what was omitted or included on
the original once its gone.
you have to create it yourself or some so called expert
has to.

chark marks and such are such a weak arguement
they are not used as identifying factors and
they are a different animal and have no comparison to a repop tag or this discussion.

the only part on the car to compare to a repop fender tag is the vin tag.
following your logic repoping them to what you want is ok also!

repop tags are the worst thing to happen in the hobby
they premote fraud, no matter what someone's original intentions are.