


I didn't read all of this, but I don't know when it became a forgone conclusion that if you run mufflers, you CAN'T run a header evac system. Because that is simply NOT TRUE. I have run evacs on several muffled cars over the years and so do hundreds of other people with absolutely no issues. Every exhaust system in the world does NOT make back pressure and keep the evacs from working. That's one of those things that a guy had a problem, he told somebody, they said this, he told this guy, that guy told somebody else and before you know it, it becomes common that evacs and mufflers won't work. Except that knowledge is generally wrong.

But, to the original posters issue.....if it is pushing the breathers out, smokes out the evacs when connected, seems to me it has a lot of blowby


Monte.. you can run them with exhaust BUT if the exhaust
has 5"hg or greater then it will start to pressurize
the crank case and for every inch of back pressure
it reduces the vac in the crank case by the same amount

maybe so but I have also run them with exhaust and they worked fine. No pressure in the crank case

I guess I didn't do a very good job of qualifying a street exhaust system verses a race exhaust system.

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