The slack is in the purple spring. Thats why it does the two stage with that spring combined with another non purple spring. The purple spring only engages once the advance reaches a certain point and slows it down as it goes all in. There's not really slack at idle. The non purple spring is holding the advance. It's just that the advance goes quick until the purple spring gets tension and slows it down. Listen to me...I sound like I know what i'm talking about!

I swapped out the purple spring to another pink. It now has two pink springs and goes all in fast. I closed the slots a bit so that I get about 38 degrees all in. I have it set at 22 degrees initial. I took it up the road for a quick ride and it is definitely better. I think swapping the spring made the biggest difference yet.

Last edited by Telvis; 07/13/14 10:52 PM.

That's King Weenie to you!