

Your fine bro, it was my descrip that was worded a bit cryptic. Keep the premium gas in there as it sounds like you are OK with it's cost and sub in a lighter spring for one of the springs currently in there. Keep going lighter and lighter till it just pings (talks) at WOT up thru the gears then go back a bit heavier. You NEVER want to allow any detonation to occur (except for a few seconds during testing) but you want to be fairly close to it. With 9.7 & I'm assuming that is a measured 9.7 and it ain't talking with regular tells me that you need it to come in much quicker

Ah...I understand! I will swap out the spring to get it to advance quicker. I will report back with the results. I do appreciate all the help.

And just to add a little more to the mix, if you haven't already done so, bring #1 up to TDC and confirm that your timing marks indicate TDC. It wouldn't be the first time a damper ring had slipped or was marked wrong.

With as much initial as you say you have I would think it would be kicking back pretty hard on the starter especially once it was warmed up.
