Nobody is born "all knowing." People learn by doing - and either learn from their own mistakes or mistakes made by others. It's FAR easier to learn from other's mistakes. It doesn't cost time or money. Unfortunately this previously learned knowledge from learning from other's mistakes does come with a price. Nobody likes criticism, constructive or otherwise. The price is swallowing your pride enough to understand what and why they are saying what they say to help you.

If you don't want to "pay" that price - you are ALWAYS free to learn from your own mistakes like most of us have before the internet became such a good tool for disseminating information. We all learned the hard way. We are certainly willing to help people learn the easier way - but we may not all be the best "teachers." We put things in terms that we understand and I guess we don't sugarcoat it as much as some would like. We're sorry we're so gruff and to the point. After all, we're gear heads, not teachers. We're here to try and help - even IF it doesn't seem like it to you right now.

You're headed in the right direction. Grow thicker skin and soak up the knowledge that's trying to be passed to you…. even if it's not worded as nicely as you would like. The price really isn't that high.