

If i go blow through i have to change the regulator,pump,add a return line to the cell, pay to have the carb modded.

You can't say, "I am ok with the cost of two turbos, two carbs, and two intakes, and I am a 26 year fabricator." And then in the same breath that adding a new pump, and running one return line as being reasons against going to the better carb system.


From what i've read blow through has it's fair share of problems on the street with it's tuning.

Compared to EFI maybe. But other then that, not at all. I have made one high speed air bleed change, and jetting changes... that's IT. Also, if you think putting two separate carbs WAY upstream, in a home made intake manifold is going to work better at idle/cruise then setting a carb on a regular intake... you're in for a surprise.


So really, why shouldn't i do draw through?

If you are honestly asking that question, you have clearly not looked into the reasons yourself.
-Cold starts can be awful... and considering you are in Michigan it's a real concern around here?
-Draw through severely limits your turbo choices because you'll need a carbon seal type to keep it from sucking oil at anything but WOT.
-There are VERY few people to help you when this doesn't work or has issues (since the rest of the world has abandoned this technology decades ago).
-Can't use an intercooler.
-No BOV system to protect the turbo/carb from backfire.



I have a friend that ran a draw through setup on a 350 nova back in the day and it was very streetableand fun to drive.

My guess is the time that has passed between "back in the day" and "now" has faded your memory of just how bad it was.


I was a metal fabricator, i am now a carpenter of 26 years and my Dad was a mopar mechanic for 36 years i know a little bit about building things from nothing.

I don't think anyone questioned your fabrication skills. But since you've NEVER built or tuned a turbo mopar, you'd think you would be a little more open minded to those that HAVE done it.


Just needed some help picking turbo sizes.
You guy's need to broaden your horizons

Pretty gutsy comment to make to a bunch of people with a LOT more experience then you who are trying to help.

So you never answered the question. Aside from being stubborn...why WOULD you want to do a draw through.

Because thats what i'm going to do and i don't see where i'm being stubborn that seems to be your dept. You have your way i have mine. And i'm not questioning anyones expert opinion, i've heard all the cons over and over. I'm looking for help doing it my way not yours.