
It is easy to buy Holley, Edelbrock, MP, Boyd Wheels, Hooker, etc, and put them on a car to make it as unique as another guy that buys the same parts and makes his car unique. Finding correct parts, bolts, inspection marks, date codes, and even original wheel weights for a car is much more difficult. The best way to be different, is to not be different. I choose to not build a car that anyone else can build out of a Summit Catalog. Which one is better? Your car is shinier and mine took more effort.

Cbusters, I get what you are trying to say but you are not considering what I and many others must do. Many of us who don't have the "popular cars" must be more dedicated and spend as much effort as you.
Find for me in a catalog where I can buy one piece of trim or chrome or sheet metal or model specific part for my Fury. For gripes sake there is even a vendor called B-E and A. Where are the C bodies part suppliers and catalogs? there are none!

I had to do some of what you guys do for a lot of my car, and I couldn't just call a vendor for a part. I got some grief for starting this thread and I think some of you may not consider what it took for me to build my Fury.

Yes, It has plenty of modified non stock/restored parts but it also has just as many that were restored or built to the standard of your paint daub restos.

I don't want to jump through hoops to meet someone elses criteria, just jump through my own., to make my car mine and as well built as any other just not in the "BOX" of "thats not supposed to be like that"

to those who do.

Last edited by modelmakerinc; 03/25/14 09:29 PM.

Exceptional Architectural, Yacht and Automotive scale models. e-mail modelmakerinc@att.net for a portfolio review. www.modelmakerinc.com