I think I am just tryting to get it to the level of used cars I couldn't buy back in the day, I probably prefer/enjoy the day 2 or Super Stock cars most but some cars deserve to be as correct as possible. I absolutely LOVE beater muscle cars and I drive the crap out of my stuff.

To a degree I think it is that we end up with something special, my AAR wont be perfect by any means but it will be better than most. To me it doesn't really take much more effort to do it right/correct than it does to just slap new parts together.

Why do you build models to the level that you do, could probably build a real car for the same effort. I'm just asking cause I don't necessarily see the satisfaction in that hobby. You definitely do something I wouldn't and possibly couldn't do and I'm sure you have some amazing pieces.

Careful, your character's showing!