It's my understanding that Chrysler owns the rights to using Mopar in the name and must be paid yearly by anyone using Mopar in the name.

If they weren't paid that may have made the name available.
I don't know, that was speculated to me by someone as how the name could be used.

The smart move would be to wait and see what comes out on the name thing as far as who owns the rights to any of them.

Some people aren't going to do the smart thing no matter what, oh well that's their prerogative.

It doesn't matter to me who puts on a Mopar event (Scott, Josh, Jim Belinda) if I can afford to I'm going to it.

Both Scott and Josh have their good things and bad things as promoters and as people.
I've personally seen both of them treat people that were helping the with the events poorly.

None of us are perfect, we all have our flaws.

People can play the loyalty game if they want but I think that they've got blinders on if they think they're loyalty really means something in the end to the promoter.

Any promoter that puts on an event does it to make a profit, it's not done to give us something to do.

Some people are going to have a different opinion on that, that's fine. It's just my opinion.

Kayse can't keep up at all now. lol