Let me clear this up. I did NOT talk to Scott directly but here are the facts. My source has been in contact with Scott about this event. He indicated several of the original sponsors are onboard and that it will happen on the same weekend that it always did. The hope is to have the same payout and structure that it always did. I was asked to help spread the word. The more people know about it the better so that there is not a repeat of the poorly attended event that Mopar Action put on last year. Gateway doesnt have their schedule up yet so perhaps it will be on there when the schedule is posted. I will be informed when more information is available and I will post the facts that I know.
While we are on the subject of Monster Mopar and track schedules, Indy has posted their schedule and no Monster Mopar is currently on the schedule. I hope this is a goof cause I love that event.

AFCO, Rons Fuel Injection sponsored Dodge Challenger Mention Street Lethal Motorsports