
If there wasn't already drama starting about the new event at Gateway I'm sure that there's more coming.

I got a call this evening from Scott Sieveking from S and S Promotions about the new event at Gateway and he asked what I had heard.
I told him what I had read on facebook and what my take on what was said about it and what I have posted online about it.

He said that the event is definitely going on and everyone involve directly (people helping to run the race or show parts of the event) are already in place.

He said to tell everyone that everything is a go.

The name of the event is what will probably start a crap storm going.

It's "Monster Mopar STL".

All I can say is Don't shoot the messenger.

I'm just relaying what Scott told me.

He said he doesn't go on any of the online forums so he isn't posting it directly.
I don't think he's a computer online type of guy at all.

Wow what a piece of work, sells a name for profit and then when the no compete is done, starts promoting a event with a name that is the same. Close enough that it will get confused, don't like that type of person and won't attend any event he would put on.

Brett Miller W9 cnc'd heads
STR Chassis fabraction