

So the bypass valve is meant to open, and the pressure is supposed to stay at that maximum, but it does happen sometimes where the pressure will drop some when the spring is HOT? Reason I ask, I took the car for a quick drive today, but the temps were somewhat colder...didn't get to the same rpms, but I hit it off the 5500 stall on the converter and my pressure was a little above 60psi and there was no drop...so is it normal for the spring to be hot and drop some?

Yes... on the newer pumps it seems like the spring
isnt as good as they use to be.. its a lower pressure
and do tend to drop a couple pounds... I think its
more of the material the springs are made out of

Ok, I am just looking to see if what I am seeing is normal or out of line, and based on the responses it seems like its not much of a concern, but something I should monitor, as well as a few things I am going to try to see what changes if at all.

I thought about installing the high pressure spring if the pan ever does come off again (Which I would rather leave on as I finally got it sealed without leaks after 4 times alone this season already), but if I don't need is the extra pressure not just creating extra heat and killing power some? Or does the extra pressure add a margin of safety at all? I do have the spring if I wanted to add it in the future. The motor is only going to be seeing 7000rpm TOPS (shifting at 6600-6700rpms).