
I guess I will throw in my
I have given away numerous things over the years. I also have been told I don't charge enough to people when I sell parts or labor.
I am usually broke to show for it,and can't blame a guy when he charges for a part.
To expect someone to give a part just because someone is in need just comes off wrong to me. I am one of the last guys to ever borrow something and would fully plan on having to pay for something I need. I do believe fully in racers helping racers,but sometimes a business has to be run like a business.Keith

My thought's of how you and I treat other racers are basically the same. I was also told that I sell stuff too cheap and I should raise the labor rates, but I'm the type of guy that expect's to pay full retail for what I need when I need it.

A couple years ago at MMP a guy with a Gen III Hemi in his 74 Challenger had some issues with an 02 sensor. He didn't have a spare which of course I had a couple used ones. He asked me what I wanted for it and I told him $10. He flipped me a $20 cause he knew they cost $28 from the dealer but he was in dire straights to make his next pass.

Worse mistake I ever made cause he took me out in the very next round. lol

Jerry Williams.