Well, might as well throw my in too If I needed something to get me back on the track and went out in the vendor/swap meet isles looking and found said part I would be happy to pay and offer to pay if someone wanted to give it to me free. Maybe thats me but I dont want to owe anyone and everyone needs some compensation for their stuff. You should be grateful that you found the part and got to keep racing, now if you had won your class and Ben just gave you the part you needed in a "Major" situation would you then have gone to him and said Thanks and offered him some $$ of your winnings? Im wondering if Ben had known you were gonna bash him over $5 if he would have just put the part back in his tool box. By the way I have never bought anything from Ben but have talked with him on some parts and he seems like a decent person.

416 stroker from Nick at Compu-flow. 11.14 in full street trim. Seems like a new best every time out.
11.06 open headers----so far!!