
Make no mistake I make money at the track that's where 80 % of my customers come from.when I am at the track I do my best to win but I will not make it into a job I already have two of those.Racing Is vacation to me, a place to unwind and hang out with true friends and there is no way money making at the track is going to get in the way of my family and I having a truly great time!I use to get mad and throw my helmet when something bad happened in a race, cuss out the car and my self because I was trying to make money racing and that was the worst thing I ever did.It sucked for everyone around me and it was no fun!After we changed are efforts to going to the track for fun instead of business My wife and kids cant wait to get there and neither can I.I her allot about John labouse making money at the track like over 50,000 a year but I never here him say how much fun he is having all I ever herd him say is all the travel time sucks!!!Now don't mopart's this all up and say I bad mouthed John I have all the respect for him He is a hell of a racer And I will admit he is way better than me but I challenge him and anyone else to have a better time than me!!!

Man that sounds just like me in the past. My wife strongly suggested I calm down or she ain't gong with me anymore. I don't win many rounds anymore but have a blast when we go to the strip. Ask any of my friends where the party is when we are there.

6.50 @105.26