

Doc, you don't know very many people do you. As they say, You know how to make a small fortune in drag racing? Start out with a large one.

Steve .... SOME people I know who do-this just as a hobby ....not many of those make money. But the ones that put a good effort into it ... YES they do. And NO .. none of these people stay in 200$ hotel rooms and have 50k$ race rigs and 100k$ tow rigs.

And I will say again .... IF these people were to put those efforts into their job or business .. they WOULD have made more money than with their race-efforts.

One PERFECT example ...and a past customer .... Bob Marshall .... makes decent money racing. But if he devoted THAT TIME into his recovery-biz ....

He would be muchO farther ahead ....financially.

Even the PROs dont make any money at it... if they
didnt have sponsors they would fold in less than a year...
and the smaller teams have folded