there has been a decrease in attendance for number of years,
shows up in youre local tracks first, then the big events,
look at the emty seats even on the big shows,
yes the economy, pricing of building a car, and all that goes into it,
it is changing every year, these younger kids not going into racing like i did , nor or they involved in it ,
i see this getting worse not better, even if fuel was 1.00$ gal, it wouldnt change ,
and it funnyn that most say its because of not having desposable income ,, mm dont stop going to tavern everyday, or the casino,
i agree that the sport is going back to the roots, and the guys who do it just for the love of the sport, will keep doing it , and certain ares like super stock and heads up classes and special events will prevail, but it will be at the risk of tracks going away and such