

Its only the economic recession were are in for people who don't do simple math.They look at the gas marquee and when it goes up a quarter they pi$$ there pants.If you use 100 gal of fuel going to the track and back and gas goes up .25 that's only 25 bucks,he11 if it goes up a dollar its only 100 bucks.If anyone person is so broke that they can't afford and extra 100 dollars for gas They have no business going racing in the first place.I see so many people showing up in monster motor coaches with super fast cars and have no cash to eat.Here is a Idea race a car you can afford,I could have a stacker an a 6 second ride If I wanted but it would suck up all my extra money.I would rather keep What I got and eat steak at the track and when I need gas look for the station that is easy to get in and out of with a 44fT trailer in stead of looking to save 1.30 on a fill up.Its funny when you see someone with a 600 inch hemi in a bickel chassis car b1tching about how it cost him an extra 30 bucks to get to the track.Remember people some day you will be laying in a hospital bed dieing with thousands of dollars in the bank wishing you would have spent an extra 25 dollars on gas to go racing with your son,daughter,wife,dad,grandpa,brother, ect,ect just one more time.Don't let life get you down Kick lifes Ass.I don't thing are fallen hero's of all military branches would want us to hide at home I think they would want us to enjoy the gift they died to give us and that's life Freedom and The USA.Go racing,Go racing,Go racing,and enjoy your life for tomorrow may never come.

Lemme guess-----you're a consistent NHRA participoant. GOOGD FOR YOU!
That's all well & good, except what's "missing" from your argument is the "mandatory" seatbelt replacement, shield replacement costs, etc., etc. He11, even the Air Force only replaces the seatbelts in the F16/18s every SEVEN years. You mean we're racing stuff more powerful & dangerous than them!!! I don't think so! And the facts are some people just like putting their money into a faster car than into NHRA's pockets. I have more fun at nostalgia events than ANY NHRA event so again, why support them? They abuse the "little guy", take their money, put unreasonable, expensive demands on them & use them as "filler" for the pros.
Nope, just can't see any reason to support them any longer.......

You should really read completely before you respond to someone I never promoted the NHRA nor Did I say anything about how cheep seat belts were If you want to attack the NHRA THEN ATTACK THE NHRA not me.My point is that staying at home because of an extra 20-100 dollars in gas money means you spent too much on your car or cars. Whats the point in having a fast car if you can't afford to use it?? .If you spent all you have its your fault not the NHRA's or anyone else.If more people went out and lived life instead of b1tched about how bad it is maybe It would not be So bad.
BTW I am glad you don't like the NHRA because when I race and one of there events I don't have to worry about seeing you or people like you throwing a wet blanket on an otherwise good time.
I take it your screen name means you have a hemi? if so no wander you can't afford to race

Last edited by julian2007; 05/31/11 05:20 PM.

God made cold beer,good friends,hot ladies and race cars don't spit in his face by pi$$ing and moaning about how life sucks!!!