Lots of good points made here. I sure hope it's not just a "passing fancy" and that it will forge on. But as others have stated, everything is pretty much down. It's easy to blame it on the economy, but maybe there is more to it and that has become the convenient excuse.

You hear stories all over the news about attendance at events like pro sports, vacation hotspots and the like posting record attendance, even in this shittty economy. Why aren't those venues suffering the same fate? Why aren't those people "cutting back" because of the high price of fuel? Lots of regular folks attend pro and semi pro baseball and football games, and ist certainly isn't because the prices of the tickets went down. Highest ever, yet they are setting attendance records weekly. Huh?

Maybe this type of motorsports is going to die a slow and prolonged death due to waning interest. I sure hope not. With many tracks closing and attendance down, it doesn't look very good, no doubt.

I hava a DVD of the 1970 Nationals. Looked like the friggin Super Bowl. What a time for drag racing!