Wow, this blew up into a really cool thread, and to keep it going here is my fender tag.

V1W V98 26 END
J25 M21 N41 N42 N95 R11
V1W A66 C16 C55 G33 H51
FJ5 H6XW 000 B06 078807
E55 D32 JH23 H0E 117xxx

Sorry EV2A66, I goofed up before B06, not B09, for a build date. I was running from memory, which isn't so hot anymore.

Notice, that the 15" wheels weren't coded, but the car has the front fenders rolled under. Unfortunately, the original wheels disappeared 30+ years ago, so who knows. Also the sport hood isn't coded, but if I remember right, from a previous Alaskan_TA post, stuff that was part of the package wasn't always on the fender tag. Wish I had a build sheet but it is an LA car and I probably will never find one .