Originally Posted by oldjonny
Lots of guys here just hate Toyota...that is only because they enjoy the company of their local service departments manager and the free popcorn while sitting in the waiting room waiting for their junk to get fixed. 315K on my hated Toyota and it has NEVER (that is correct...never) been back to the dealer. I get that some guys just like to spend money and work on their junk as it gives them something to do. The 1.8 liter Toyota is pretty much bullet proof, but go ahead and get a Dodge Dart so you have something to do.

The only hate I have for any Toyota, Honda, or any of the rest of them is pretty much on the owner bragging. but when someone wants to tell me how great their car is, then wants to compare the repair and maintenance fees against a vehicle that actually performs real work, I'll speak up. The example given was about a consumer appliance car owned by "intelligent people" and the guy wanted to compare it to the cost of maintenance and upkeep on a truck that caries 3x the trucks weight on a regular basis, thousands of miles a year. Apples to oranges, the appliance car (or a Toyota truck) would never survive doing what Rhino's Ram truck does daily.

Any Dodge Dart I would ever buy would be one that has been out of warranty for 50 years. The newest vehicle in my fleet is an 04 Turbo PT, it was a year old with 5,600 miles on it when we bought it. It has done pretty well for us for the last 19 years we have owned it. At a little over 160K miles, the rust will most likely kill it before anything mechanical will. In all those years, its pretty much never been back to the dealership, just one time for an injector recall. When Chrysler wanted to replace the injectors, I was OK with that. The PT is an appliance that takes my wife where ever she wants to go. She chose it, she pretty much is the only person that drives it, and she likes it. I will do whatever it takes to keep it running. Happy wife, happy life, the PT makes her happy. What ever she chooses to replace the PT when the time comes will get the same treatment.

My main driver is a 49 Dodge pickup. I built it from a pile of parts, I am the service department. I put about $10,000 into it between July 21 and June 22 (cost to build), and I expect to get 10 years out of it. What ever it costs to maintain is not much concern to me. It is my appliance, and I really like driving it everyday. If I choose to sit around and eat popcorn while someone else works on it, its my choice, but it probably isn't going back to the Dodge dealership to get anything done.