It's been a long time since I've brought an old car to a cruise or a show because of working on my house but when I did I rarely stayed near my car. I'd park it & go wander around looking at everything else or end up talking to people I haven't seen for a long time. I never cared what was said about my cars & actually found it amusing. One time I was walking back to my car & saw two guys walking around it pointing to different things & scratching their heads. As I got closer I could hear them talking about it & trying to figure out what it was & what year is was. work

It's a 1969 Satellite convertible but has a huge mix of other parts all over & inside it. One quarter panel is a 1968, the trunk lid is from a GTX & has a Sport Satellite insert, the entire nose is from a 1970 GTX, the front seats, arm rest & steering wheel are from a 1973 New Yorker & nothing matches. laugh2

If anyone were to start telling me how incorrect it was I'd simply say that I didn't care.

Who Cares It's Rough 01.jpg