What I noticed after taking a few years off of having a car is how many people want to come up and talk money with me, something I don’t mind a bit…if you know me. I find it pretty absurd that a total stranger will do that, especially since it didn’t used to be this way. I blame all the auctions for putting attention on the $$$$$. Thing most of these people are missing is what a poor investment a car is. It simply doesn’t keep up with the stock market and really struggles to match inflation, outside a handful of really and truly rare stuff. And no, you aren’t buying my car below market, now or ever. rolleyes

I use the naysayer type stuff to my advantage. If joe blow sees something as being wrong, that means I can improve something I happen to over hear. I’m kinda puzzled by some of the comments here, seems guys are coming up to you all? Nobody outright says [censored] to me, but I have a “zero given” attitude at baseline. Maybe that screens them out? The people that talk to me have been friendly and interested in talking about the past. I welcome that because the present and future are no fun to ponder.

One show I found a group picking over my car, as I walked up I could see it was someone I had met once before. I pointed out I knew the part was incorrect and it’s in my long term plans to remedy. I came away with another idea from that meeting that I’ll use. Probably a good thing I listened, as that person won an award at the Nats this year. It’s all in what you make it I guess.

I want my fair share