Dealing with car insurance claims are a challenge...
My experience with SF was a total disaster..
For my case,1 of their policy holders crashed into the back of me doing 50MPH pushing me into a brand new $150K Mercedes. The SF policy holder was cited for Reckless Driving, then the drama started I expected SF to cover my physical therapy and pay me promptly a fair price for my totaled truck. After receiving little response by SF I hired an attorney and it went downhill after that. To summarize it took 12 months to settle the property damage to my totaled truck and another 18 months to receive payment for my medical bills. Each step and communicating with SF for payment was a pain, they were very difficult to deal with. I was very fair and patient with SF and originally only asked for fair market value for my truck and for SF to cover 100% my medical bills. But after their continual stalling and dickering, we finally settled that cost them $75K more than what I had originally expected to receive. In my opinion a lot of the relationship and communications are based upon the attitude for the assigned claim manager, and in my case they were very stubborn....

Just my $0.02... wink