This is somewhat related to Chrysler racing people/history. I didn't realize this, but there is a relatively popular weather calc/comp program racers have been using for years, and still are, that makes corrections for weather conditions,etc and it was apparently developed many years ago by Tom Hoover or someone in Chrysler R & D under his direction. Was looking for some info on Jere Stahl on the net, when I read some thing about it and thought it was pretty interesting that something first developed(and by Mopar) so long ago was still being used, as a computer program is is known as 'Weather.exe' apparently:

"The history of this program goes back to the early Mopar factory race group headed by Tom Hoover. It is our understanding that Tom asked George Wallace (who was a Chrysler engineer at the time) to come up with a system that would allow them to correct for weather conditions influence on engine power and resulting car performance. A magazine article (including charts) that may be used to manually correct appeared on page 95 of the August 1972 issue of Hot Rod Magazine. This program has no consideration for track condition, altitude change of the track or for wind conditions.

The Hoover group carried a laboratory mercury barometer and a wet-dry bulb made by George Instrument Company. The system and algorithms were turned into a computer program for a Radio shack Model 100 at the direction of Arlan Fadley. Any time you have heard Warren Johnson make reference to a run correcting to such and such, he was making reference to this program. Arlan was kind enough to provide us with a copy of the model 100 source code and we turned it into an Intel Pc based computer program. We have over 2 years of data from a well known pro stock team who ran the same set of cylinder heads for 3 years and are very comfortable that the program is produces reasonably accurate results for the intended purposes."