
Does anyone have copies of "National Dragster" from the early sixties? When this new group at Daimler-Chrysler started work on the High&Mighty clone, one of the first things they requested was a history of the records as the car set and reset them in C/A. I'm a bit ashamed to admit it, but, in that respect, we certainly didn't act like engineers. It seems noone kept track of the records and, today, there is widespread disagreement as to the car's performance. I guess everyone assumed there was some old man back at NHRA headquarters who was chiseling this information into marble slabs for the ages. Actually, when I phoned NHRA, I found that the only "permanent" record was the weekly listing in "National Dragster." Can anyone help?

I have a Aug 12, 1960 'National Dragster' with results from the Glass City Nationals in Toledo. There is a picture of the 'High & Mighty' car. The caption reads "The Ramchargers' 'The High & Mighty' hiked its class record to new 12.62 ET at 115.23 mph. Ply coup gets punch from Chrysler". The story line reads the same in the article. The same issue lists them as the national speed record holder for the class.

The Oct 21, 1960 'National Dragster' shows them holding both ends of the C/A national record with a 12.75 ET at 111.52 mph (set in Detroit).

1979 AMC Spirit, NHRA Q/SA