Originally Posted By ScottSmith_Harms
Seems like a lot of painters like to paint cars "thier way" (which of course is always the best way) LOL! Whats wrong with using the factory procedure? Seems that everyone wants to fight the tried and true factory method of painting with all of the panels gapped and adjusted before paint, etc.

there is nothing wrong with doing it that way.
it just takes a really good paint process. and a LOT of practice doing it that way.
if you haven't painted cars like this it will be easy to get runs in the clear coat in the transition area between the jambs and the outer panels where the clear coat overlaps.
it's also easy to get dry spots in the clear coat when you try to avoid runs in the transition areas.
also when painting the jambs, closing the door and painting the outside there will be a dryer spot of over spray in the jamb from the wet paint from the outer panels hitting the dryer paint in the jambs.
also if you are sealing before painting it will be easy to end up with areas where the sealer isn't properly covered by the top coat. the factory didn't use sealer when painting the cars back them.
i know the factory painted cars this way in the past. but the paint jobs really weren't that nice as they are on cars today and what most people want on their cars after paying $$$ for someone else to do it.
also when they painted cars like that there were 2 painters painting the car at once, 1 on each side. it's much easier to avoid dry spots with 2 painters.

Last edited by Mr T2U; 04/01/17 09:35 PM.

perception is 90% of reality