The sensational Saturday morning air at Tulsa gave Randy and the Barracuda a stout 10.52-126.9, that he felt pretty confident in. Meanwhile Mark and his buddies were busy fashioning an air pan out of a trash can lid and sealing the carb to the hood scoop. The big Stage 1 responded with a huge 10.364-126.99!

Randy pulled back into the staging lanes with a bit of desperation, how was he going to magically muster up nearly two tenths? He struck up a conversation with Dale Gebhart as they waited, and the Q and A session turned to launching technique.
"I've got a fairly tight converter so I stall it up pretty hard before I leave", Randy explained.
"Doesn't this thing have a big arm in it?" Dale asked.
"Yeah, sure does."
"If it will launch clean, I'd leave at idle, and let that stroker get a run at the converter", Dale advised.

As thrilled as Randy was with the result, a 10.39-127.86, a quick look at his calculator confirmed he needed a little more.

In another conference with Dale, they decided to pull out some timing. The back of the lanes were closed, so he would only get one more shot at it, and the E body gave him the goods with a 10.369-128.37. The final average was Purple Barracuda 10.621-125.6 to Blue GS 10.628-124.0!

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"Livin' in a powder keg and givin' off sparks" 4 Street cars, 5 Race engines