
My biggest concern with the big bar argument is the chassis. If the suspension can't move, the body will. Also, impacts will be transmitted to the occupants of the car. My car as well as Mitch's are a lot better preserved than a lot of the cars that are out there, however I still have done a fantastic job of tearing out and blowing up pieces of my car. Your mileage may vary. When we build and design parts and make the tuning suggestions we do, it's not based on "what that one guy was able to get away with with that one car that one time." We have to base line our product over an entire fleet of cars and thousands of customers. Most of which may be starting with less than ideal 40 year old cars. The great thing about what we have brought to market is a truly modular system that allows the end user to have a well balanced car that will meet or exceed the needs of 95% of the market.

Its posts like this that make me so damn happy i bought and stuck with the car i have. Many a time i wondered if there was a point in passing over so many cool cars to find the one i have (including one actual T/A), and then, ov course it being a no-option 6cyl stripper, now i have to buy and upgrade everything... every single system and aspect. BUT... single-owner, not hard-driven and not a brutal amount ov miles... combined with the fact it came with like 5lbs-ft ov torque... This car is straight, and was never abused. Even the original paint on the roof pillar is barely cracked.

Ov course, now i'm paranoid about ruining this blank slate. I'm getting so desperate to just drive my damn hotrod i'm getting close to just jamming in the powertrain and sorting the chassis out as i go... but then i read stuff like this and i want to wait till i get subframes, boxes, all the XV style 'fixes' in there, maybe even a 6pt bar... before i even fire the engine (which is now likely to be a small smallblock.).

Hrmmmm... . . .