

Get out of town with that logic!! 405 don't wanna hear that

I had to miss the episode, it was the girls birthday. How bad did they slaughter the Chicago thing??

Not a word about Chicago.

Lots of yakking about the Cali guys being crybabies though.

We get it dude, you are from Chicago and you think you guys got slighted............but what is there to make a show about.

They stood around and argued a while, they prepped the street a while, it started drizzling rain and Dave knocked the tires off at the hit. Not exactly MUST SEE TV..............Now you can say all day that they are not gonna show it because one of the 405 got beat, or however way you want to spin it. But bottom line, what makes or does not make the telecast is totally up to Discovery, NOT the 405 guys. So was there anything about the Chicago trip potentially appealing enough to the general audience, to devote a show to.......not from what I hear went down.

I heard what went down from some of the 405 guys guys, yes.......BUT, I also have some Chicago guys who know the whole story as well. Their EXACT words to me "I wouldn't show that [Edited by Moparts - Family Friendly Site - Keep it clean] on TV either"....So there you go. What does it mean, NOTHING
