
Thanks Monte for all the real info on the show and I've read alot of the Yellowbullet thread where Chief has given alot of good info.
It sure beats anything else on TV and I love seeing the cars, my only gripe is the terrible Indy car sounds, I really hope someone stops them from doing that.
And don't let Misterfiberglass ruffle your feathers, he has nothing to do with racing cars, just another internet troll that can't spell.

Oh ...you think so ?... no experience with race cars ? ... and just an internet troll ??

WHY don't you ENGAGE your brain before typing on your keyboard ? I have more HANDS-ON experience in the performance industry, with real-fast real street cars and with GENUINE (safely done) street racing than most people here or on YB. And I can safely say ..... THAT includes YOU.

And if you actually READ what I have written about the show .... I like it .... but it needs to be "cleaned-up" a tad.