almost done,,,,enclosed some before and after pics....I went with the SSBC kit
so far so good,,,seems like a real nice kit,,,bolt on....
Still have to change the MC,,,,and then bleed it,,,,

I am going to use a different MC for the car,,,,,the one supplied is "sub par" from what i hear,,,,,
I am going to use a 74 Dart manual disc MC Napa PN TS101571,,this is a smaller bore piston,,,which should work better,,,,( only $29 as well )..........(thanks Ron)

PS,,,mine came with a Porportioning valve,,,i was going to install it,,,,, ( i have drums on the back,,,and the car is non power brakes,,,(manual),,,with an adjustable push rod i put in a long time ago,,,,,


Good fit behind the Weld Prostars,,,,,,,,,

Last edited by 69CHARGERMD; 11/16/08 12:06 AM.