A few of the tracks are allowing to double enter the same car. You are starting to see alot of pro cars double entering in street. Why does noone step up to super pro??? I can tell you now that pro is just as tight as super pro. With the new adjustable brake buttons you are basically running a non-adjustable delay box with out a bump down. When I say non-adjustable, I meen you can not roll numbers in & out with press of a button. you can add or remove shims, it just is a little more work. A buddy of mine stepped up from pro to super pro this year. He will be the first to tell you that there is next to no differance between the two. I have a buddy that got out of drag racing that has been bugging for a few years to run Pacemakers that allows you to double enter. If we were to do it i would not have a issue of footbraking it in super pro. What the heck, I still going to have to buy back after first round. lol