

I do have a senario question though.
Sportsman class, 12.0 cut off. What if, in eliminations, i dial my 12.60 opponent dials 12.01
I break out going 12.55 -.05, but opponent breaks out with an 11.98 -.03 ? I break out greater, but opponent breaks out of the class cut off.
Who advances? Does breaking class cut off cause an instant DQ in eliminations?
Just asking.

Great question,Chris! I would think you would get the win.... Unless your opponet was one of the track managers "favorites"

My thought was that I should be advancing on that one, I've always wondered about that situation. I don't have to deal with it at Rock Falls, as we don't have a sportsman class. I race trophy 9.0 to 12.99 trans. brakes allowed.

Ted, do let me know who I should be watching for sandbagging when I come to race sportsman at Cedar Falls.

Chris Schwartz 73 Swinger 340 12.451 @ 108.78 73 Gold Duster, needs a plan.