

www.hre.com and Spud Miller at Fuel Injection Enterproses have math formulas that will get you a starting baseline to work from. If your pump is an 80A, it's around a 6.8 gallon a minute pump. You are fat! With your cubic inches and the intake that you have, your fat. You could go to a 100 pill in the main, and it would be close I bet. The other thing that so far nobody mentioned is that when you change your main pill, if your barrel valve is spot on, you will have to adjust it a flat or two. Until you get close with your tune-up, you will want to make changes of 12 - 16 number on your main pill. You're looking to make heat in the motor and show heat on the plugs. Once you get close, then make changes of 4 numbers at a time: 100, 96, 92 or 100, 104, 108. Once your happy with how the car is running, then you might want to think about adding a high speed lean-out to further dial in the system.

I sent my whole setup to fuel injection enterprises to start with, as I was new at the mechanical alky injection also. My tuneups were very close from him. I have since fine tuned my tuneup with minor variances from his initial tuneups. Imop VERY well worth having done being new to the injection as I was. Worth every penny. Saved me a ton of headache.

The motor looks good, nice and cleanly put togeather.
The thing that caught my eye was your quick disconnect jet can, imo it should not be mounted solid like that to the fuel cell. Vibration can cause the pill to come off it's seat and cause leanness for a second. fwiw. Tire shake does happen sometimes when you start making hp.