I use around 3 gallons on first run,warm up ,tech,etc.The rest of the day 1/1/2 to 1/3/4, You have more hp.but 1 am over 3000 lb at 9.65et.I can run mine at home for 15/20 minutes on one gallon or less cold.The barrel valve either has a problem or your probably have 30 or more % leakdown,The main pill wont really affect it that much at idle. Keep lentghning the rod till you get a stumble when you snap the throttle then go back (richen one flat) then see what your leak down is,The % is figured on a graduation of the air in gauge ,if you dont maintain 100 lb pressure on that one you have to calculate % on a graduated basis,.Sorry so long ,this stuff is simple but difficult to explain.