
Just talked to a Hillborn user 10.0 at 3300LB big block, His main pill(bypass)is 89.You really cant copy other tune ups as similar numbers will flow different but its in the ballpark.His barrel valve is set at 19%.

People would come by our pits and ask about my injection because we always quialified #1 or 2 or 3. I always talked to them, but never told the truth about my setup. It's racing, it's competitive. Why would I tell you my tuneup for free?
Like what was said, everyones setup is different and if you listen to too many people your not gonna win or run worth a hoot.
Get out there and run the car and make changes and don't worry about the other guy. You will never learn until you make changes and see how the car runs.

If it's milking the oil, it's not right and they are not made to idle for 15 minutes.

The best way to prime the motor is with gasoline in a presurized sprayer that atomizes the gas. Only need to do it when the motor is cold.