
Some have suggested that an outside promoter be brought in to revive this show. O.K. Here is your big chance (DJVCUDA?) to remake the Mopar world! E-Town would certainly entertain the idea of a partnership or track rental for this event. They do it for others, why not this one?




The ENTIRE show would need to be revamped in order to bring it around. This would be no small feat, & would probably take several years. It is probably best in the hands of a Mopar show promotor who knows what they are doing, it's beyond the scope of E-town staff.

i agree. they should hire that chick that used to run the carlisle events. forget her name.

you are right though. it will take a few years to come back if it even can..

Might have been Lisa Laury or Leatherly that booked the events

Actually I think it was Joe who had the idea... and i'm not wasting my time talking to the announcer / pot stirrer here

I've put together bigger Mopar shows in my yard before so I have nothing to prove. ( it's not cocky if you can back it up )