

Didnt Carlisle just set an attendance record last year??

Show me where the actual numbers are. Did you go? I did and have been there for 9 years straight. Friday was a ghost town, Quarter Aces on Friday was week, York Reunion on Satuday was very slow. I did not hit Beaver on that Sunday so I can't speak for that. Quoting that attendance phrase means that their marketing department is on point and doing a tremedous job. Putting that phrase out there is great tool of marketing to make every enthusiast believe everything is still keeping the status cuo.

I go every year - started both e-town and carlisle the same year - 1992 - I have watched E-town shrivvle into whatever it is and also watched Carlisle grow every year.

I know in fact the last 3 years it has grown, we used to park next to our tent and the last 2 years we have been forced to move our cars to our respective classes on sat to make room for people trying to get in the class section - thats a fact. it does get larger every year.

fact are facts - sponsors hit Carlisle , they all have the year planned out and e-town is not on the agenda any more - if that were to change the event would grow, not without it.

Hell I used to help put on an all Mopar show, two actually , one in my yard - we had 250+ mopars there - way more then E-town... it can be done - and it;s not rocket science.