First off let me start by thanking all the die-hards that still come out for this event.You make it worth our while to retain this show. The folks that show up are having fun and that is important.
Some of you, however, really must have your heads in the sand. Take a look around. All of the muscle car shows are shrinking, and shrinking rapidly. I said it before, and I'll say it again, The hobby is "greying". Many musclecar owners are now in their 50s and '60s. They've "been there and done that". The excitement is gone. In addition, many of us are facing serious financial difficulties in this terrible economy. All you have to do, if you don't believe me is to come out on a regular race day and count the number of "classic" Mopars...........One? maybe two? Usually none! And this is at a big, famous race track in a major metropolitan area.
The sad fact(for you) is that you are being replaced by a new generation that shows little interest in our type of car. Proof? How about Twenty Two Thousand people for Waterfest, a two day VW and Audi show in the dog days of August. Earlier this year we had a sport compact race with Nine Thousand spectators on a Sunday and ATCO had to close the gates before noon on Honda Day because there was no more room for spectators or racers. They (spectators)were actually cutting the chain link fence with bolt cutters to let their friends in!
We offer them the same thing that we offer you. They come, you don't.
Pontiac Day, which used to bring a couple hundred cars had about 30 cars this year. Have we really messed things up that badly? I don't think so. You want the event to grow? Talk all of your friends into actually showing up and to stop crying into their keyboards.
Flame on!