Bob - I'm in the same situation as yourtself. Family life and kids demanding much more of my time, so I wanted to have something all purpose. I think my Challenger turned out to be a pretty good compromise. Havn't run it yet, but should be good for low 11's or maybe better. And I've had my kids out in it several times this summer. (I almost added a roll bar this winter, but really glad I didn't)

Anyhow, Im sure others will disagree on this, but IMO the 11 second range will give you the most all around fun in a street car. No cage necessary, smoother idle, lower cost to build and easier on parts, no trailers, get in and go without hesitation, family friendly, drive to work or the track, whichever.

Don't get me wrong a 9 second blast is fun, just many more compromises.

I agree with 10secgtx, we are of the transitioning age bracket. We'll be back building the race cars when our kids are older (most likely for them to drive!)

2 kids and a dog