
Bracket racing is BOOOOOOORRRRRRING to watch. I don't care how hard it is, to the spectator, it's BOOOOOOORRRRRRING. To call it a form of racing is ridiculous. In every other form of motorsports, whoever gets to the finish line first, wins. In every other form of motorsports, you don't lose for going too fast. It really should be called Consistency Contest. It's about consistency, not racing.

Spoken like someone who doesn't race. Even though hitting your number is the name of the game, there's not a bracket racer out there that still isn't spending every extra dollar he has, and busting his knuckles on a regular basis to get his car to go as fast as possible. Racing is racing. index, bracket, heads up, class..... its all good!, and its all fun!

LemonWedge - Street heavy / Strip ready - 11.07 @ 120