
i went to one of the type races the orignal poster races(h.a.m.b. drags)at,very different,but still on bracket format.yes even though they put you in the class they think you fall into(they look at your car body style)you could be a 15 sec car and have 8 sec cars in your class.i'm not sure whether he is trying to equal the feild for him or his competition either way its still gona be bracket racing, unless they go back to flag starts.

Ha ,ha ,ha, i would like to eqaul the field for myself sure Sam ,but there are alot of guys that are getting the shaft besides me at these events.They are wanting to change it to a bracket deal becasue of it.I myself dont mind losing as long as i dont have to lose and see my oponets tail lights at the stripe.I realise that you and many others make $ on occasion at Braket racing ,but its just not my thing .No offence intended to anyone .Just a difference of opinion is all.Thats why they make chocolate and vanilla.I was just looking for an alternative way to make these type of events more even and keep it heads up ,so everyones happy ...

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ykcsXMV3vfg My Dart ,and im just getting started...