

The McLeod unit is still up in the air by the sounds ov things. But the price is at least decent. And really, i could give a [Edited by Moparts - Family Friendly Site - Keep it clean] where it was made as long as the quality is there. China doesn't necessarily mean junk, just like homebuilt doesn't necessarily mean quality.

The Passon 5spd again, outta my budget, no matter how good it is. And personally, not a fan ov the 4spd OD idea, drove one (a stock truck unit in a 340 Demon), and just did NOT like the gear spread. I wouldn't even want that in a 440 car where the torque could mitigate the disadvantage.

See, this is where you are wrong. Our 4 spd OD gearset isn't even close to the gearset in the truck trans that you drove in the Demon. I don't feel that you are giving that option a fair shake.

As for the imported thing, that is entirely your call. The unit is actually made in Korea, not China. If it doesn't matter to you that it is imported, that is fine, it sounds like it should fit what you need and it will fit into your budget. What kind of horsepower did you have?

We are looking at less then 5 grand for this unit.

*fixed your quote for you Jamie

Whoa, maybe i should check back more than once a month here... heh heh...

My bad, i didn't know the one you offer wasn't a superwide spread like the truck unit. Thing is, i liked that 1st gear, especially since both my temp engine for this project and the final engine will be high-RPM, lower torque engines (thinking 383-426 N/A lowdecks, both). I liked the steep 1st, i just didn't like the spread. The owner didn't seem to mind, nor did the guy who installed it, but that would bug the hell outta me... like shifting from 1st to 3rd in a race... ugh.

Your 4speed has a nicer spread, but its still a bit wide for my taste. Its great that others like it, its just not for me. I like that 1:1 4th. I really just want 5-6 gears in my box. Maybe if i could actually drive one i might like it? i could be that far off base...???

Even the 5-speed would get old for me i think. The engine i build will want at least a 4.56 gear, but i want a 2.76 for the road. I know... i really dont want much... haha. Really, i want a 6-speed. I'd go with a 5, but after spending all the money it will take go buy any one ov these kits, i'll still be thinking ov that 6th gear, the one that turns my 4.56's (or more) into a real highway gear.

Really, it just kinda bugs me that with all these cheap (say, Cobra-spec... which are plenty strong) T-56's out there i still cant easily bolt one up to my big block.

Oh, and not sure which engine you are asking about, but the 'temp' one going in my car will be around 400-450HP, maybe a bit more depending on if i can find some cheap aluminum to cover the bores. That 340 in the Demon was pretty hot, probably a bit under 400?