In keeping with the true bolt in deal. In other words being open and up front as far as costs go, the transmission will include a shifter and linkage. If we didn't do that, we wouldn't be any better than the "other" guys out there because you would need another $400+ dollars worth of shifter and linkage to be able to use the trans. It will be a HURST style shifter. Long makes good stuff, but it just isn't gonna fit where it needs to.

A note to everyone. Making a .85 OD ratio in my opinion is a waste of time. Our current OD Hemi 4 speed gearset has a .80 and I have heard people saying that it isn't enough overdrive. So, I can tell you that is out. I am on the fence about making a 3.2 first gear. That is PRETTY steep. If we make a steeper 1st gear, I am thinking something in the 2.9's.

As for Quadrini, I'll never tell.

Passon Performance 309 Turkey Path Sugarloaf, PA 18249 (570) 401 8949