Made in America parts are better, if you need that explained, then you haven't worked on enough stuff. Cars or otherwise. I can't even begin to count the times that China crap has been bad out of the box or needed extra work to use. USA stuff is pretty good right off the jump.

Thanks to the "Buying China products is a fine thing to do" mentality, I can no longer pay extra for USA products in most cases. I can't thank you all enough for the BS that has caused.

If a vendor claims to be so good, and the members claim they are so good, why run from the so called unfounded criticisms? Should be easy to dispell. But no, run away and hide is the tactic. Strange way of going about things.

For the record, I have only went to Wal Mart twice this summer. Once to buy motor oil that is cheaper there and the same stuff I could get anywhere. The other time was for some Advil.

Yes, there are a million factors into overheating. This is one that can and has caused the problem per the member with that car. How many overheating threads have there been in the past couple of months? Did anybody think of this before? irst I have seen it, maybe those cars from the other threads have this housing.

I want my fair share