Originally Posted by wingman
Originally Posted by 70VcodeCoronetRT
I'm just looking around for a few different old Mopars to maybe upgrade to. And it seems like 80% of cars listed for sale are classic car dealers. Do they just swoop up and buy any good deal? And then double to triple the price. I guess you have to be lucky and find something local that's not on the internet.

Some of the cars listed are actually on consignment. The owner doesn't want to mess with tire kickers, low ballers, and scammers. So they let a dealer do it for a commission or fee instead of messing with an auction house. Sometimes it is a family member wanting to sell a car of an owner who passed awaya nd doesn't know much about cars. Other times the "dealer" does own the car and is trying to flip a good deal they found.

As always, let the buyer beware. If you are the type of guy that's always looking for the rock-bottom price then you likely will not get it at a dealer. But if you do your due diligence it is possible to get a good car at a fair price--depending on the dealer of course.

This plus being on consignment adds a protective layer between parties when title and/or repair issues are discovered.

Carvana seems to gravitate toward selling stolen cars. Due diligence is needed now more than ever.