It does seem that way. Cars sit for a year or more on these lots. I think it’s Uber rich guys that aren’t really running a business. One guy told me he made money doing payday loans and the cars aren’t priced to sell until he’s ready to move on. I’d seen one a few years ago that had come down more to what I thought it should be and called. He said his son died and that was who managed the “business” while he washed and waxed them and drove them for fun everyday. He was ready to thin it out after the kid died. Came very close to saying it was a tax shelter, right to edge of saying it.

I believe that contributes to the decline in interest by young people. Cars go unloved and have issues from sitting when somebody parts with far too much money for one. Then they are boxed in and lose the fire. Hard to get excited about an expensive toy that is broken, and your money to repair it is tied up in the purchase.

I want my fair share