Id ask why your doing the install after paint or maybe I misread.

Even on a simple 8 point the right and left short rear kickers ruins your plans of back seat passengers. Even if you left them out and made it a six point the upper rear bars would be head crackers.

You have posted in the past your a big fella and so your probably gonna think about swing outs which even makes it a weaker less safe deal.

Id make it more functional for safety vs trying to make it a taxi.

Since you stress its a street driven car id think a crash or rollover out in the wild might be more of a risk then at a purpose built facility so id not skimp. You can always give your friends thrill rides in the passenger seat one at a time.

Skimp too much on safety and functionality and then you get the poser label no matter how nice the car will be. We see many of them in old guy "pro street" type cars.